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點擊:  作者: 國信公鏈    來源: 數字資產研究CIDA  發布時間:2021-09-04 12:09:36









國信公鏈(China Information Chain, CIC)借“中國國際服務貿易交易會”提供的講壇,向與會者和各界朋友倡導創建和啟動“國家主權公鏈”項目。






這是因為,“國家主權公鏈”可以支持建立自20世紀上半期人們一直試圖建立的 “投入-產出” 宏觀經濟賬本,滿足這個賬本所需要的完整、全面、精確和即時動態的數據,減少傳統市場經濟的波動性和局限性,為共享經濟、普惠金融、社會財富的分配和再分配,實現共同富裕提供有效的技術范式和工具。




CIC對于構建 “國家主權公鏈”充滿信心,是因為:相比較世界其他國家,中國在區塊鏈開發和應用領域具有綜合優勢,包括:區塊鏈技術自主開發,區塊鏈實驗室,科研人員和申請專利數量和增長速度,區塊鏈投資規模,區塊鏈企業數量,特別是區塊鏈在數字金融、物聯網、智能制造、供應鏈管理、數字資產交易、碳達峰和碳中和等領域的廣闊應用前景。

CIC對于構建 “國家主權公鏈”充滿信心,還因為:在中國,區塊鏈思想、理念和技術常識得到了前所未有的普及,并且納入高等教育的課程,人才短缺的局面在不遠的將來得以根本性解決。

CIC對于構建 “國家主權公鏈”充滿信心,特別因為:自2019年10月24日,在世界范圍內,中國成為將區塊鏈技術創新和應用確定為國家發展戰略的唯一的國家。


今天,距離千禧年已經過去了二十年。2000年,聯合國提出以“從極端貧窮人口比例減半”作為核心內容,以2015年為時間節點的“千年發展目標”。在“千年發展目標”到期之后,聯合國再次提出2015年至2030年 “全球可持續發展目標”。在其中的17個可持續發展目標中,排前三位的消除貧困,消除饑餓,實現良好健康與福祉。2000年世界人口60億,2015年73億,2020年76億,2030年85億。全球的所面臨的挑戰是實現快于人口增長率的可持續發展。現在,距離2030年不足十年,全球仍舊有超過十億的人口處于“多維貧困狀態”。在全球存在貧困和饑餓的背后,則是各國之間與國家內部各地區之間的繼續存在和惡化的“貧富差別”。這是世界動蕩、沖突和危機的主要根源。
在過去二十年,人們曾經將消除貧困,緩和貧富差別,建立共享經濟的希望寄托于基于互聯網技術和信息經濟。實踐證明,互聯網經濟迅速發生“異化”,發生了嚴重的數據和信息壟斷,加劇了“數字鴻溝”;2008年“世界金融危機”之后,人們再次寄希望于區塊鏈技術打破傳統貨幣資本體系,實現財富創新。但是,“區塊鏈財富”再次異化,呈現了前所未有的“馬太效應”。如今,2% 的比特幣賬號控制95%的比特幣價值。這可能是“密碼朋克”們始料不及的。

歷史告訴我們,互聯網和區塊鏈技術的產生和發育,都處于傳統的“資本”制度環境之中,不可避免地陷入“資本”邏輯,依賴 “資本”運行機制。以非主權加密數字貨幣為例,其價值最終需要通過傳統主權數字貨幣,通過交易所作為中介得以實現,最終以美元作為價值的衡量尺度。所以,與其說加密數字貨幣挑戰了美元霸權,不如說強化了美元霸權;與其說為草根民眾提供了獲得新型財富的路徑,不如說為從未對區塊鏈創新有過實質性貢獻的傳統資本集團提供了擴展財富的手段,使之成為最大的受益群體。





于 北京


The Declaration of Proposing the Foundation of
the National Sovereign Public Blockchain Programme


First, I would like to congratulate on the joint organisation by the Ministry of Commerce and The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, of the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services. ‘Towards digital future and service driven development’, the slogan of the event, is precisely the key to contemporary world economic and societal transitions and globalisation’s stepping onto a new stage.

With the floor provided by the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services, China Information Chain (CIC) proposes to the event participants and members of the public the foundation and launch of its National Sovereign Public Blockchain (NSPB) Programme.

Based on the historical conclusion of thirty years’ course of internet, and especially over a decade of blockchain development, CIC determines that the moment is ripe that China is in demand of founding the NSPB.

That is because that the NSPB carries with it the obligation and ability to protect national and public resources, public assets, public interests, and public goods. Public resources, public assets, public interests, and public goods are presented in both physical and non-physical forms, including: land resources, outer space resources, and ecological resources; information resources for public governance; core assets for the national social welfare system; national monetary currencies, including the sovereign digital currency; legal and judicial resources pertaining to fundamental interests of the State and the people; and other information and products pertaining to national security and national defence. All these items fall squarely within the rim of the NSPB.

That is because that the NSPB is able to protect the national and public interests through authorised institutions by the State. A blockchain in any shape or form developed by a private entity, with its structural limitation, does not oblige itself nor make it as its ethos to represent the long-term interest of the State, or to stand guard over fundamental rights of the people.

That is because that the NSPB is able to be the new infrastructure for digital economy transition. China’s digital economy transition cannot be accomplished within a timespan over a few years or even one decade. It may be an enterprise that takes decades and generations. Blockchain is an important part of the digital economy infrastructure, and the NSPB is where the hard core lies.

That is because that the NSPB is able to place the resources administered by the State on behalf of the people, into a transparent and traceable state, away from exploitation by interest groups, abuse, or waste, eliminate the long existing transaction cost in our society, and improve on the quality of State governance.

That is because that the NSPB is able to support the establishment of an ‘input-output’ macro-economic ledger long attempted in the first half of the twentieth century, with the complete, comprehensive, accurate and live data that the ledger requires, reducing volatility and limitation in a traditional market economy, and offers an effective paradigm and tools for sharing economy, inclusive finance, distribution and redistribution of social wealth, and achieving common prosperity.

That is because that the NSPB is able to assist in rebuilding a stable trust relationship, be it person-to-person, person-to-community, or person-to-State. It provides a basis upon which citizens uphold their rights and interests, and maintains justice in the fields of economy, society, and politics.

That is because that the NSPB is able to aid in the nation’s and our enterprises’ ability to compete in the future, improving economic and commercial relationships between nations, reducing trade frictions deriving from information asymmetry. The World Trade Organisation has to transform itself to be the World Trade Blockchain, utilising the upgrading of traditional organisational structures through blockchain. Fundamentally speaking, the NSPB will help foster trust in the international community, quality of cooperation, and the formation of a community of common destiny.

That is because that the NSPB is able to assist in integrating ever-growing technological innovations, combining blockchain with internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and quantum technologies. It hones the revolution of computing power, forming the superimposed power from the technological revolution, and turning itself a new momentum for the digitisation of China’s economy.

CIC is fully confident on its NSPB Programme for this reason: compared to other countries, China has comprehensive advantages in blockchain development and application, including: the quantities and growths of independent blockchain development, blockchain laboratories, research and development personnel, patent filings, scales of investment in blockchain, and blockchain enterprises, and especially broad application scenarios in digital finance, internet of things, smart manufacturing, supply chain management, transactions in digital assets, carbon peak, carbon neutrality, and other fields.

CIC is fully confident on its NSPB Programme for another reason: in China, theories, concepts, and technological common know-how have attained unprecedented reception. They have been incorporated into course modules for higher education, and in so doing the dearth of local talents will be fundamentally resolved in the near future.

CIC is fully confident on its NSPB Programme for yet another special reason: since 24th October 2019, China has become the only country that makes blockchain innovation and application one of its national development strategies.

Founding the NSPB does not entail a State monopoly on blockchain. On the contrary, the NSPB will adhere to the principle and the tradition of open source in blockchain development, supporting a variety of public blockchains, private blockchains, consortium blockchains, and interchain solutions, to construct a diverse and healthy ecosystem with clear division of labour in blockchain.

Today is twenty years away from the second millennium. In 2000, the United Nations established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) centred on materialising ‘halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day’. Upon MDGs’ expiration in 2015, the United Nations established Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be accomplished before 2030. Among SDGs’ total seventeen goals, the top three goals are ‘no poverty’, ‘zero hunger’, and ‘good health and wellbeing’. In 2000, the global population was 6 billion; in 2015, 7.3 billion; in 2020, 7.6 billion; and in 2030, it will be 8.5 billion. The challenge that lies ahead is making sustainable development faster than population growth. Now is shorter than a decade away from 2030, and there are over a billion people in multi-dimensional poverty. Behind the global poverty and hunger is the continuing and deteriorating wealth inequality. This is the main root of global chaos, conflicts, and crises. 

In the last two decades, the hope for eliminating poverty, alleviating wealth inequality, and establishing sharing economy, was placed upon internet and information economy. It has been empirically evidenced that the internet economy rapidly entered alienation, with data and information monopolies, reinforcing the digital gap. After the Great Financial Crisis in 2008, the hope for breaking the traditional monetary capital system and ushering in wealth innovations was placed on blockchain technology. This time, the blockchain wealth starts alienation again and brings with it the Matthew effect to a scale previously unheard of. Today, 2 per cent of the bitcoin addresses control 95 per cent of total bitcoins. This may have gone beyond the wildest dreams of pioneering cyberpunks.

History tells us that the births and growths of internet and blockchain technology are situated in the traditional capitalist environment, flows with the capitalist logic, and depends on the capitalist mechanism. Taking non-sovereign cryptocurrencies as an example, their value is realised through traditional sovereign monies in crypto exchanges as intermediaries with evaluation in United States dollars. Therefore, cryptocurrencies strengthen, rather than challenging, the United States dollar’s hegemony; they expand ways and means to growing wealth for traditional capitalist groups contributing nothing substantial to blockchain innovation, rather than purveying routes to a new class of wealth for the grassroot populace.

The essence of founding the NSPB is founding a people’s blockchain, evidenced in its greatest common consensus, the lowest social cost, and the greatest social benefits. The ultimate objective of the NSPB is to influence and, if possible, change the course of the blockchain history that repeats internet’s betraying its original intent, halt the entrapping of blockchain by the capital, breaking the digital capital’s monopoly deriving from gaps in digital technologies, and reduce the ever-increasing digital gap.

The difficulties and predicaments faced by today’s world—coronavirus, ecological deterioration, economic downturns, and cultural conflicts—will eventually pass away. The world is treading into a critical moment that transits to a new history featuring more equality, sharing, and efficiency. We are seeing light at the end of the tunnel. China is burdened not only with its own sustainable development, but a historical responsibility to contribute something new to humanity.

CIC believes that the NSPB will have its special place in our times. Because of China, and because of the NSPB, the global blockchain landscape shall change for good, for the public benefit.


China Information Corporation
3rd September 2021





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